What is Data Analysis?
As data becomes increasingly available, the ability to analyze and interpret data becomes critically important for most businesses to remain competitive.
Data Analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making.
Our Process
We help people build stronger businesses through the use of data and structured, streamlined processes.
Heavily influenced by the teachings of Edward Tufte and his series of books beginning with Visual Display of Quantitative Information, we use creativity to minimize the communication of technical concepts and convey 'precise, effective, quick analysis'.
We recognize that communication is the most important link in analytics so our process begins with spending time learning about your business. Then all analytical work is built on our mutual understanding and is accompanied with a clearly communicated analytical synopsis. While our assessment may not always be what the business owner wants to hear, by communicating openly, we develop a mutual level of trust that encourages understanding and a builds a reliance on accurate information.
The end result is more confidence, better decisions and a successful business.
Mike Murphy